head of production

Saskia van der Tas

Saskia van der Tas is Head of Production at Lemming Film, where she is responsible for supporting all current productions. She oversees production insurances, drafts key contracts, and serves as the main contact for various stakeholders, ensuring smooth communication and efficient handling of budget, legal, and scheduling matters throughout the production process.

Saskia was born in London and raised in Damascus, Syria and Bonn, Germany. She is a graduate of Film and Television Cultures at the University Utrecht and has worked on various international service productions shooting in the Netherlands. Titles include german productions such as THE DIARY OF ANNE FRANK (2016), CLUB DER ROTEN BäNDER (2016) and various US/UK productions including DUNKIRK (2017), KILLING EVE (2019), ATLANTA (2022), TED LASSO (2023) and A SMALL LIGHT (2023).

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